Saturday, June 21, 2008

Nothing like a brick and mortar registration...

There is nothing like a brick and mortar make one appreciate an online school. While I am excited for my daughter to experience her first brick and mortar college...and I am even trying to talk my mother in returning to college and take advantage of the free courses for senior citizens, I can honestly say I will never attend a residential college again. My mother attended this event with us and told my daughter of the long lines we stood in as I was registering for my first college experience at UoF 20+ years ago. I appreciate the opportunity to complete some of the tasks online before attending the residential orientation.

I like having choices and options. I prefer the option to finish a course within four to twelve weeks depending on my work and volunteer schedule. I prefer to produce products used in the online learning environment, incorporate rubrics, and interact with others in an online environment.

I have thrived in the online educational environment and can only imagine where I would be today had virtual schools existed when I was younger. I love reading the blogs of teachers who incorporate technology, the educational technologists that are bridging the digital divide, and the students of today who can share their work and interact with other students growing up digital. I can only imagine the places they will go with technology tools that our generation can only imagine will exist.

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