Showing posts with label Google recipes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Google recipes. Show all posts

Monday, December 5, 2011

Google Recipes, tech integration, Grandparents Gone Wired

Have you tried Google RecipesIn February 2011, Google Recipes view launched in the U.S. and Japan. 
This link is for Recipe sharers who are webmasters

This holiday season would be a great time to digitize those family recipes, bookmark your favorites and annotate those food allergies. Remember...just because it is your favorite dish does not mean everyone else will like the dish you bring to the holiday get together. 

One of my favorites is Spicy Chicken Tenders. Of course a Google Recipe search brings up 135,000 results but I have the option to select filters by ingredients, cook time, and calories.

When I select No blue cheese, the options drop from 135,000 to 8,000 and selecting lower calorie options reduces the options dramatically.

So whether Uncle Joe is using a smart phone or Aunt Bessie has the latest tablet or the office party participants argue over which digital device is the best...integrate the technology by sharing the favorite recipes. Then let the discussion and demo session migrate to who has the best app and how are they using it for grocery shopping lists and annotating food allergies.

Because quality time is stretched thin during the holidays, throw in a free technology sharing certificate for everyone to dedicate one hour of one to one techspertise sharing.

If you are helping a family friend, grandparent, or a senior citizen in your neighborhood, develop your own tutorial and submit it to Do Something's Grandparents Gone Wired project by December 30, 2011. You could win a prize: an iPad, iTunes gift cards or a $500 scholarship.

As always, comments, recommendations, +1s, and reaction box checks are appreciated.