Showing posts with label RCSS budget shortfall. Show all posts
Showing posts with label RCSS budget shortfall. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Pay cuts, raising locker and parking fees

So the RCSS held the preliminary budget cut meeting. Bottom Line Up Front aka BLUF: Everyone is going feel the pain. If the school board voted to cut $750 from my pay, I would make suggestions until the cows came home.

So go ahead, make a suggestion No names or email required.

AC article on the RCSS budget: Members say options open to make cuts

So today's AC headlines on the RCSS budget: Richmond schools could raise parking, locker fees

Do I know there are people who care? Absolutely. Do I know that the RCSS protocol is siloed? Yes. Do I know people that want to do something but do not know what to do? Yes.

But I have been told, "You can't do that" or"That is just the way we have always done it."

What I am tired everyone doing a great job of griping, groaning, and complaining. If they spent that much effort in trying to do something for a student in RCSS, we might see a change in the "us vs. them" attitude.

As I move from my specialization courses into the Research and Dissertation courses I thought I would give it the old Ed Tech try and prove people wrong who swear that people in Augusta, GA would rather post gripes and groans through the Augusta Chronicle articles than to be proactive with solutions or submit a recommendation that might possibly be viewed as a possible solution to the most recent RCSS $24.5 million budget shortfall.

So what are you waiting for? Fill out the form or just leave a comment on the blog.

Hang in there Dr. Bedden, you inherited the soup sandwich and with your annual salary, some people expect you to produce a feast. Just know, that some of us are out here doing the right thing, supporting students, being involved and engaged adults because the students today are the leaders who will replace us.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Suggestions for the RCSS and $24.5 million budget shortfall

Another Augusta Chronicle article titled, School board faces tough financial calls and my last homework assignment prompted me to create this form and publicly display the results.

There are many issues in the RCSS and room for improvement in many areas, including incorporating a suggestion improvement program. So rather than complain, gripe, and/or groan I created this form.

I encourage all of my blog readers to participate in this informal survey and to forward the link with those who have been successful during budget cuts and educratic bureaucracy.

You can fill out the form below or access the form through this link. The results can be found here.

Names and email addresses are not required, just in case you are an employee, student, or parent who fears retribution. As an adult student in the lifelong learning process and a RC taxpayer, I had to do something. Even when board members and administrators do not listen with or without their permission, the Internet is a powerful tool.