One of the concerns discussed during the workshops and with my own young adult/child is ID theft and credit reports. Who encourages our young adults and their parents to request a free credit report? The students and the parents ask, "Why should they request a credit report when/if they don't have credit?" The question answers itself.We don't know what we don't know. Some argue ignorance is today's society...ignorance is not bliss when it comes to identity theft and online scams. Identity theft and hosed up credit can keep you from offers for jobs, scholarships, college applications and our young adults need to be proactive in being vigilant, and using independent learning opportunities.Everyone needs to be proactive in maintaining our individual credit rating and protecting our identity. Credit reports factor into decisions made about insurance, renting an apartment, buying a car or home, getting a job, maintaining a job which requires security clearance/background checks.Some will argue that it is best to keep our students off line to protect them from ID theft. This is just wrong...identity theft occurred long before people accessed the Internet. The information to the public wasn't as accessible as it is today and many of us grew up with parents who did not know about ID theft or credit report issues. Many people check their credit report on an annual basis and I try to encourage our students to do the same. They are entitled and they need to understand what is or is not reported on their individual credit report.Identity theft can occur to anyone...being proactive about who is checking your credit and what is listed on your individual credit report is a personal responsibility.
When an individual discovers he or she has become a victim of identity theft by a family member, it can be devastating. It also happens when students share names of family members who have passed and data is transferred from one credit report to another by the humans doing the data transfers. The responsibility to correct the credit report is on the individual. This can be tough for a young adult who wants to be successful in the world. So who is teaching our young adults to become proactive in applying for their personal credit reports? Anyone can start through the FTC (Federal Trade Commission). As stated on the Consumer page, "This section of the FTC website offers practical information on a variety of consumer topics. The information here can help you avoid rip-offs and exercise your consumer rights. So read up! Education is the first line of defense against fraud and deception; it can help you make well-informed decisions before you spend your money". Games - You can play the games from the site or grab the code and add it to your own site. Games include 7 Practices for Safer Computing, Identity Theft, Internet Auctions, Laptop Security, P2P File-Sharing, Phishing, Online Investing, Online Shopping, Social Networking, Spam Scams, Spyware, Wireless Security.News - As the official news bureau for the FTC, our primary objective is to help American consumers understand what the FTC is, what it does, and the value the FTC adds to their lives. We work with all of the FTC's Bureaus and Offices to identify news opportunities and implement effective media relations programs.International Consumer Protection - Globalization is one of the central consumer protection developments of the 21st century, commanding the attention of businesses, consumers, law enforcers, and policymakers around the world. The FTC pursues the development of an international market-based consumer protection model, which focuses on protecting consumers from significant harm while maximizing economic benefit and consumer choice.There are many options for individuals, families, educators, and community leaders to use the FTC site to help share knowledge and experiences and empower individuals within a community.As we all work to "Make everything fine in 2009" visit the Federal Trade Commission site, read a section that applies to you, add your number to the National Do Not Call Registry, check your credit report and encourage others to do the same, read the scholarship scam reports and articles, or learn about Children's Privacy and Identity Theft Privacy. There is something for everyone through the FTC pages and links.
Don't give up! If college is not for you that is OK too...expand your horizons. eScholar through is an umbrella site where students can apply for scholarships, apprenticeships, internships, cooperatives, fellowships, and grants through the Federal government. If nothing else, review the requirements....sometimes a parent's passion for their student's future may not be a shared vision.Don't forget to check your favorite corporation for opportunities.Publix Careers - Culinary Experience, Tuition Assistance, InternshipsWalmart Internships - MBA and Corporate Internships, Pharmacy InternshipsGoogle jobs and internshipsThe last scholarship workshop for 2008 will be conducted on Wednesday, 12/17/08. I have been asked to do one more in January. Then we move on to the Google products workshops.During the last couple of workshops, I have been asked, "Now that you have focused on the students what about us...the adults?"This is why I love the Internet and the eroding of the walls. Adults...guess what the majority of our seniors graduating from high school are? Legal adults.Adults...if you want to qualify for any type of financial aid you must fill out a FAFSA. Like our students you have the option of creating a GAcollege411 account. There is a tab titled Adult Learner. If you are a parent and involved with your student's pursuit of college financing...might as well join them.Scholarship search sites such as Fastweb and Brokescholar are open to anyone who can input data to interact with a website. Check the privacy and TOS (Terms of Service) for age requirements.Some of the participants stated, "This is like work"...regardless of the economy, applying for scholarships, internships, apprenticeships, and/or jobs is work. If you are passionate about pursuing an education, formally or informally, you have to apply everything you have learned...while continuing to learn.The FAFSA student aid site provides links for students in middle school,
high school,
in English and EspaƱol. There are links for non traditional students, International students, Parents, Counselors/Mentors, and Native Americans.Microsoft and Michigan Virtual University have partnered and created the CareerForward program. A website for students and teachers, "to be introduced to the growing global competition that they will face. Most important, they need motivation to plan and see the education that is so crucial for their futures."There are too many programs to address in a blog, one workshop, with one counselor or one individual...It is OK to ask, never settle, and if you are going to soar with the eagles quit hanging with the turkeys.When you want to throw in the towel and give up...just ask one question, "Whose future is it anyway?"
For everyone who has been lurking and watching what the Digiteen Dream Team has been doing with their efforts to "Keep Lively Alive" they have posted some options for readers of their blog. Check the Digiteen Dream Team blog and read their updates. They have connected with a class in Hong Kong and provided links and suggestions that meet the needs of their blog readers. So what can you do?Check out the Cool Cat Teacher blog.
Vicki Davis has posted a variety of projects created by her students from letters to videos. These posts include her support of the students and the actions they are taking about something they learned in school and connected with the real world, globally.Sign the Keep Google Lively Active online petition.Join the Facebook group of Livelyzens.
Share your succes feedback/opinion with GoogleCheck out the Livelyzens blogs in Japanese,
and EnglishDownload Lively and create an account and join the protest room.This has been a valuable learning experience for all the Digiteen supporters and their blog readers. For all of the bad news spewed about children and the Internet, Vicki's students are learning, practicing, and teaching younger students about Digital Citizenship.Parents...check out the Cool Cat Teacher's blog post titled, "A Little Digital Citizenship Parent Brainstorming: Share Your Thoughts"
on 8/8/08.There are still too many adults that could use a course in Digital Citizenship in order to set the example for the people they influence. We can all learn something from the Digiteen Dream Team. When is the last time you took a stand for something you believed passionately about that didn't include a majority?